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Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP)

Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) provides grants to help lower-income Albertans with mobility challenges modify their homes so they can enter and move around more easily.

Alberta RAMP Fact Sheet 

How much funding can I get through the Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) grants?

You can apply for a RAMP grant for up to $7,500 annually and up to a maximum of $15,000 within a 10-year benefit period.

Who is eligible for the Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) grant?

All wheelchair users, regardless of age, who meet program criteria (homeowner, tenants, and people living with family).

Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have lived in Alberta for 90 continuous days and have a valid Personal Health Number

Aboriginal people living off- and on-reserve .

People with the following progressive neuro-degenerative diseases: multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), non-recovering stroke victim, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, spina bifida, and/or spinal cord injuries.

Seniors aged 65+ who are using a wheelchair or a 4-wheel walker on an ongoing basis.

More than one wheelchair user per household may apply for a RAMP grant. However, the applications must be for separate modifications on the same property.

If a homeowner’s or a rental property has the following caveats registered on Land Titles the property will not be eligible for a grant to modify the property unless the caveats are removed:

Lis Pendens: filed by a spouse against a property due to an impending marriage dissolution to protect their interest in the property.

Municipal Tax Caveat: registered by a municipality against a property for non-payment of municipal property taxes. This is a step towards seizure and sale for non-payment of property taxes.

What are the income guidelines?
To be eligible, you must have a total gross adjusted household income of $36,900 or less. If applicable, this amount can be increased under these circumstances:

Amount can be increased by $9,600 if you have a spouse (married or common-law). This means you can collectively earn up to $46,500.

Amount can be increased by $9,600 for each child under 21 years of age still living at home and attending school full-time.

If you are applying for a dependent child (under the age of 18 years and still living at home attending school full-time) who is using a wheelchair, you may add an additional $7,131 to your allowable income.

If an applicant is sponsored into Canada the maximum gross annual income for the household is $36,900 gross annually (this includes the income of the applicant, the applicant’s spouse [if applicable], the sponsor, and the sponsor’s spouse [if applicable]).

What if I bought a home recently?

If, within the last 24 months before your RAMP application, you bought a home that exceeds the property threshold value in your area, you are not eligible to receive the Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) grant.

The property threshold value still applies if you build or move a home onto land that you or your family previously owned.

What are the guidelines around the modifications?

The house that is being modified must be your primary residence, and it must be in Alberta.

You can own or rent the house that is being modified. (See “What if I don't own the place where I live?”)
Grants are meant primarily for permanent modifications, but RAMP program staff will review requests for temporary modifications on a case-by-case basis.

Modifications must facilitate access into or movement within a home.

What if I don't own the place where I live?

If you don't own the place you live in, you can still apply.

Your landlord must approve the modification. Your landlord will need to fill out the Property Modification Approval form included in the application package.

If you are renting and your landlord does not approve of permanent modifications, you may apply for temporary modifications with the landlord's approval such as:

a modular steel or aluminum access ramp (10' lengths with hand rails)
a porch lift
a stair lift (exterior or interior)

What if I live on a reserve?

You can still get funding. RAMP grants are available to eligible applicants on-reserve or off-reserve.

If I did modifications already, can I still apply to be reimbursed?

You are still eligible to apply even if your project is already finished. But you must:

Fill out an application.

Have your application to RAMP head office within 90 calendar days of the completion date of your project.
Applications received after the 90-day calendar period, but within 365 calendar days, are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

What if I don't want the modifications to be permanent?

Funding is available for temporary modifications if you are a tenant and your landlord will not allow permanent modifications, but will allow temporary modifications.

Types of temporary modifications are:

Temporary modular steel or aluminum wheelchair ramps (10’ lengths with hand rails)
Porch lifts
Stair lifts (interior or exterior)


If an Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) grant is approved, the project must be completed within 90 days of the approval (unless delays are necessary due to the winter season). Invoices must be submitted to the department (Provincial Disability Initiatives Supports Branch — RAMP, see RAMP Contact Information) by the vendors, contractors, landlord (property owner) and/or approved applicants. The invoices are to be signed by the applicant, guardian, trustee or enduring power of attorney, and dated to confirm satisfactory project completion, and photographs are to be forwarded to the RAMP program via email (in .jpg format) or mail.

Applicants are expected to live at their current address after the modifications have been completed.

Priority Applications

If a person (using a wheelchair) is about to be discharged from a public medical institution, or if a person is deemed to be palliative, their application will be assessed on a priority basis in order to reduce the waiting time for a possible approval.

However, the Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) cannot affect or reduce the waiting time required to order equipment, or the time required for a contractor to start or complete any exterior site preparations to accommodate exterior porch lifts or exterior wheelchair ramps because of adverse weather conditions.

Red check boxes have been added at the top of the first page of the combined Homeowner / Tenant application to indicate if the applicant is about to be discharged from the hospital or if the applicant is in Palliative care.

What are the eligible permanent modifications to a home?

Modifications that are eligible for the grant are:
Those that facilitate access, and are part of a total access system, by the wheelchair user into their own home or living space; and,
Those that facilitate movement by the wheelchair user within their own home or living space.
Please view the List of Allowable Modifications for more information.

How do I apply for a RAMP grant?

To apply, complete one of the application packages. Please choose the application that is most applicable to your situation.
You will also need to complete the supplementary form as it applies to your situation.
Alternately, you can contact the Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) program for an application package, which may be sent to you through mail, fax, or email.

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Show Answer RAMP Contact Information
Alberta Human Services
Disability Services Division—RAMP 
12th floor, Milner Building 
10040-104 Street NW 
Edmonton, AB T5J 0Z2 
Phone: (Edmonton local) 780-427-5760
Toll free: 1-877-427-5760 FREE
Fax: (Edmonton local) 780-644-8085
Toll free fax: 310-0000 then dial 780-644-8085

The personal information collected on the Residential Access Modification Program Application is protected under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. The personal information collected on the application form is collected for determining eligibility for the Residential Access Modification Program. The information will not be disclosed except as authorized by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


We believe the information contained in this article to be accurate. It is presented with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. When professional assistance is required, utilize the services of a licensed real estate broker, lawyer, accountant, or other consultant as may be required.

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