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- Feb 18, 2017
- Real estate grants
City of Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program
Help protect yourself against basement flooding.Basements can flood for many reasons.
While the City of Toronto is working to make improvements to its complex system of underground pipes, sewers and catchbasins, these improvements alone cannot completely protect a home from basement flooding.
With increasingly frequent severe weather events, it is essential that homeowners take appropriate action to reduce the risk of basement flooding on their own private property.
To assist, the City offers owners of single-family, duplex and triplex residential homes a financial subsidy of up to $3,400 per property to install flood protection devices including a backwater valve, a sump pump, and pipe severance and capping of the home’s storm sewer or external weeping tile connection.
City of Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program Work that is eligible
A: Backwater valve
Eligible work:
Installation of backwater valve
Replacement of existing backwater valve
Installation of alarm for backwater valve
Available subsidy = 80% of the invoiced cost up to a maximum of $1,250 regardless of the number of devices installed at the property, including eligible labour, materials, permit and taxes.
B: Sump pump
Eligible work:
Installation of sump pump
Replacement of existing sump pump
Installation of alarm for sump pump
Installation of back-up power for sump pump
Available subsidy = 80% of the invoiced cost up to a maximum of $1,750 regardless of the number of devices installed at the property, including eligible labour, materials, permit and taxes.
Note: Be sure to maintain basement flooding protection devices according to manufacturer instructions. Keeping these devices in good working order is an important step in protecting your home against basement flooding.
C: Foundation drain (weeping tile) pipe severance and capping
Eligible work:
Disconnection of foundation drains (weeping tiles) from the City’s sewer system by severing and capping the underground sewer connection
Available subsidy = 80% of the invoiced cost up to a maximum of $400 including eligible labour, materials and taxes.
Note: Disconnecting the downspouts from your property’s eavestrough system is not eligible for a subsidy under this program.
How to apply for a subsidy for City of Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program
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