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What is Forgivable Grants for London Home Owners: Home Adaptations for Independence?

The program offers financial assistance for low to moderate income households to increase accessibility of their dwelling through minor modifications and adaptations.

Forgivable Grants for London Home Owners

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Forgivable Grants for London Home Owners

What financial assistance can I get?

Forgivable Grants for London Home Owners Eligible clients may receive up to $5,000.00 in the form of a grant for approved home modifications. The grant does not have to be repaid provided that the homeowner agrees to continue to occupy the dwelling for at least six months commencing on the first day of the month after the final payment is issued. For a landlord/tenant application, the grand does not have to be repaid provided that the landlord agrees that the work will not result in a rent increase to the unit.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for the Forgivable Grants for London Home Owners program, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a person with a disability who requires modification to their dwelling in order to live independently or be a senior age 60 or older and have difficulty with daily living activities
  • The home is assessed at a maximum of $265,000 for homeowners
  • For landlord/tenant households, the unit must be modest and the rent not to exceed the Average Market Rent for London * The Average Market Rent for: Apartments; Bach $632/month, one bedroom $807/month, two bedroom $1013/month and, three bedroom $1,160/month. Row Structures; two bedroom $965/month, three + bedroom $1021/month.
  • The income of the household is a maximum of $60,000
  • The home/unit is the sole and principal residence
  • Modifications must be completed within two months after the date of the Final Approval letter
  • Properties must be located in the City of London or Middlesex County
  • Any work carried out before written confirmation of final approval from the City of London is not eligible for assistance

What can I use the funding for?

The Forgivable Grants for London Home OwnersProgram covers modifications which are permanent and make it easier and safer for a person with a disability or a senior. Minor modifications can include, but are not limited to:


  • Handrails
  • Chair and bath lifts
  • Grab bars
  • Levered handles on doors and faucets
  • Multiple cue smoke detectors
  • Personal emergency response system
  • Height adjustment to counter tops

How do I apply?

You can obtain an application form from the City of London, Housing Access Centre at:

355 Wellington Street, Suite 248, London or
By calling 519-661-0861


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When professional assistance is required, utilize the services of a licensed real estate broker, lawyer, accountant, or other consultant as may be required.

Forgivable Grants for London Home Owners

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