Forgivable Grants for Leeds Grenville Home Owners – Are you a homeowner in Leeds Grenville Ontario and is your home in need of repairs?
Does your home require modifications to reduce physical barriers related to housing for a resident in your home in Leeds Grenville Ontario
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The Forgivable Grants for Leeds Grenville Home Owners program provides financial assistance to low income homeowners by way of a forgivable loan in order to repair their home while improving the energy-efficiency of the unit, and/or increase accessibility of their unit through modifications and adaptions.
Types of home repairs that may be eligible include:
- heating systems
- chimneys
- doors and windows
- foundations
- roofs
- walls
- floors and ceilings
- vents
- louvers
- electrical systems (does not include installation of solar panels)
- plumbing
- septic systems
- well water and
- well drilling
Types of accessibility repairs that may be eligible include:
- ramps
- handrails
- chair and bath lifts
- height adjustment to counter tops and
- cues for doorbells/fire alarms
Applicant Eligibility
Eligible applicants must be homeowners residing within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, with a modest home valued at less than $200,000. Annual household income cannot exceed $55,000, and household assets cannot exceed $20,000. Property taxes, mortgage payments, land lease payments for mobile homeowners, and home insurance payments must be paid up to date.
Income and assets from all persons 18 years and older in the household must be reported, however, the income from all dependent children 18 and older enrolled in full time school will be excluded.
Funding is limited:
Applications are now being accepted on a first come, first approved basis subject to funding availability.
An information package including the application form is available for download below. You can also contact the Community and Social Services Division for more information and to obtain an application form:
Community and Social Services Division
Phone No.: 613-342-3840, extension 2401
Toll Free: 1-800-267-8146, extension 2401
Funding for the Forgivable Grants for Leeds Grenville Home Owners Program is provided through the Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario (IAH) (2014 Extension) from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
We believe the information contained in this article to be accurate.It is presented with the understanding that we are not engaged in
rendering legal,accounting, or investment advice. When professional assistance is required, utilize the services of a licensed real estate
broker, lawyer, accountant, or other consultant as may be required.
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