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- Dec 26, 2017
- Ontario Real Estate Grants, Real estate grants
The County of Renfrew, in partnership with the Province of Ontario, is pleased to announce Ontario Renovates is accepting new applications for funding to assist homeowners to access funding for upgrades to their homes to enhance their quality of life. Ontario Renovates is a program which is part of the Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario (IAH) 2014 Extension Program. This program provides financial assistance to homeowners by way of a forgivable loan to repair their home to acceptable standards while improving the energy efficiency and/or increasing accessibility of their unit.
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Chair of the County of Renfrew Social Services Committee, Councillor Debbie Robinson explained that; “The target groups for Ontario Renovates include low to moderate homeowners residing in the County of Renfrew. This is a great opportunity for some of our residents to make the necessary upgrades to their home and also improve their quality of life. I really encourage our local residents to inquire about this program. The program is based on a first-come, first-serve basis.”
Home Repairs Funding for Renfrew-Ontario
In order to qualify for the Home Repairs Funding for Renfrew-Ontario program, residents must meet certain criteria, including but not limited to:
The property must be located in the County of Renfrew,
Applicants must own the home that is their sole and principle residence with a market value below $216,752,
Applicants must have a total household income that does not exceed $80,300 which includes all sources of income.
In order to qualify for the Home Repairs Funding for Renfrew-Ontario program, there is a formal application process that is administered through Renfrew County Housing Corporation. Funding is provided in the form of a 10-year, interest free forgivable loan to homeowners based on the cost of approved work items up to $10,000. In addition, funding for accessibility repairs made to a home and/or unit up to a maximum of $3,500 is based upon the cost of approved work items, is in the form of a grant and does not require repayment. The application must provide supporting information and documentation as required.
For more information on this exciting new program, or to request an application package, please call 613-432-3679.
Residents of the County of Renfrew can also download the application package by visiting www.countyofrenfrew.on.ca
For more information, please contact:
Carol Neill General Manager, Renfrew County Housing Corporation 613-432-3679
We believe the information contained in this article to be accurate.It is presented with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal,accounting, or investment advice. When professional assistance is required, utilize the services of a licensed real estate broker, lawyer, accountant,
or other consultant as may be required.
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