Homeownership 10% Downpayment Assistance Program in Windsor – Ontario
Investment in Affordable Housing Program for Ontario Extension (IAH-E)
The Federal and Provincial governments partnered to fund a Homeownership Downpayment Assistance Program in Windsor – Ontario. It is estimated the program can provide assistance for a limited number of households. Downpayment assistance of 10% of the purchase price of an eligible home, up to a maximum of $19,700 is provided by a 20-year forgivable loan registered on title as a second mortgage. Completed applications will be generally processed on a first come, first serve basis having regard to a fair distribution of the program funds across Windsor and Essex County. The program expires when program funds are depleted or November 30, 2016, whichever occurs first.
The Application form for Homeownership Downpayment Assistance Program in Windsor – Ontario may only be obtained by completing and submitting the Request for Application Form provided below.
Applications cannot be picked up at City Hall or at 400 City Hall Square East.
2016 Homeownership Request for Application Form
Please print clearly
Please mail an Application package for the 2016 Homeownership10% Downpayment Assistance Program in Windsor Ontario, to me using the information I provided in this form.
First Name
Last Name
Street No.
Unit No.
Street Name
Postal Code
Phone Number (optional)
A completed version of this form may be submitted
By Mail to:
Program Development Officer, Housing Services,
400 City Hall Square East,
P.O. Box 428 Windsor Ontario N9A 6L7
By Fax at:519-256-7107
click on:
For Residents ► Housing ► Homeownership Program
If you have any questions regarding this program, contact the Program Development
Officer, Housing Services at (519) 255-5200 Ext.5470, 5349 or call 311.
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