Address: 127 Westmore Drive, Toronto, ON

Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant (OSHPTG)

Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant (OSHPTG) is intended to help offset property taxes for seniors who own their own home and who have low to moderate incomes. This program is funded entirely by the Province of Ontario. The Canada Revenue Agency administers this program for Ontario.

Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant (OSHPTG)Senior homeowners can apply for the current-year Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant when they file their prior-year income tax and benefit return. For example, you would apply for the 2015 grant on your 2014 income tax and benefit return. The first time you could apply for the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant was on your 2008 income tax and benefit return.

The Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant payment will be issued approximately four to eight weeks after your notice of assessment or reassessment is issued.

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The maximum grant is $500 for 2010 and later years. The maximum grant was $250 for 2009.


You may also be eligible for the 2015 Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC) if you lived in Ontario on December 31, 2014, and at least one of the following applies:

rent or property tax for your principal residence in Ontario was paid by or for you for 2014;
accommodation costs for living in a public long-term care home in Ontario were paid by or for you for 2014;
home energy costs (for example, electricity, heat) for your principal residence on a reserve in Ontario were paid by or for you for 2014;
you lived in a designated university, college, or private school residence in Ontario in 2014.
You may also be eligible for the 2015 Northern Ontario energy credit (NOEC) if you resided in Northern Ontario on December 31, 2014, and you (or someone on your behalf) paid:
rent or property tax for your principal residence in Northern Ontario for 2014;
accommodation costs for living in a public long-term care home in Northern Ontario for 2014; or
home energy costs (for example, electricity, heat) for your principal residence on a reserve in Northern Ontario for 2014.

Questions and answers

To find out if you are eligible to apply for the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant and to get more information, please see Questions and answers.

More information

If you have questions about your OSHPTG payment, please call the CRA at the following toll-free numbers:

1-877-627-6645 FREE (for service in English)
1-877-627-6664 FREE (for service in French)

If you have questions about who is eligible to apply and how to apply for the OSHPTG, please call the CRA at the following toll-free numbers:

1-800-959-8281 FREE (for service in English)
1-800-959-7383 FREE (for service in French)

Policy enquiries:

If you have a tax policy question about the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant program, call the Province of Ontario at 1-866-ONT-TAXS (1-866-668-8297 FREE).


We believe the information contained in this article to be accurate. It is presented with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. When professional assistance is required, utilize the services of a licensed real estate broker, lawyer, accountant, or other consultant as may be required.

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