Top 10 ways how Canadian real estate Investors make money
With real estate, people often don’t understand how Canadian real estate investors make money. Having Professional real estate investors training, coaching and education often results in much better outcome than speculators and gamblers. Booms happen in the real estate market from time to time, but on average Canadian real estate appreciates 4.73% annually. These are the top 10 ways how Canadian real estate investors make money, but they require proper education, proper training and coaching from Professional Real Estate Investors Group (PREIG) Canada.
These are the top 10 ways how Canadian real estate Investors make money:
Quick Flips:
Quick flips require deep discounted Canadian Real Estate, and Canadian Real Estate Investors find these properties and quick flip them. The property owners are usually in a dire circumstance such as: Liens, judgements, pre power of sale or pre foreclosure and must sell the property for cash very soon. Assignments are when a Canadian real estate investors put the property under contract and sell the contract, and these panic sellers don't mind selling it to Canadian real estate investors to do so. Even with a lack of credit or cash, quick flips only require proper training by attending the Eye-witness Canadian real estate investment training as well as the Canadian real estate investment strategy apprenticeship.
Here is the second strategy of top 10 ways how Canadian real estate investors make money.
Acquiring deep discounted Canadian real estate deals:
Canadian real estate investors require training, coaching, and eye-witness training to learn from fellow Canadian real estate experts, there are top 10 sources of finding deep discounted real estate deals which are not accessible by Canadian realtors. All of the Canadian real estate millionaires and billionaires built an entire empire off of these unconventional tactics.
The most important aspect of investing in Canadian real estate is to have leverage. The average Canadian investor borrows all of the money. The down payment on the property is usually paid through equity of the house, a line of credit, owner financing or a joint venture. The rate of return can be phenomenal that is the only investment in this universe that can be leveraged at its maximum.
100% financing (investment property):
If you finance a property 100% you can write off a lot of interest expenses such as the renovation cost, closing cost and the down payment, and the funds are supplied by cash money partners, joint venture partners or your personal line of credit.
Annually Canadian properties appreciate 4.73% on average. Because you are only investing part of your own capital, the rest of the capital is covered by a Canadian banker or lender. The current appreciation is from 10-17% annually because the mortgage rates are so low and the market is booming. This appreciation on properties can make anyone very rich in a short period of time. Appreciation of over $100,000 a year sounds impossible, but some properties in Toronto are appreciating that much annually.
Positive Cash Flow: 
There is only one strategy to invest in Canadian Real Estate, and that is positive cash flow. Your income from rent should be higher than any carrying costs of that property, including mortgage payments, taxes, maintenance and property management. Multi-unit homes have a much larger cash flow than single family homes.
Furnished accommodation:
If you are renting out unfurnished rental units, that is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. The cost of furnishing is insignificant when you realize the rent you can charge is 3-5 times more than if it was unfurnished. If you want to rent out part of your apartment in the summertime, Air bed and breakfast (AirBNB) is a great way to accomplish it. Over 50,000 families in Canada are using this strategy to create extra income in their own principle homes.
Mortgage pay down:
One of the best kept secrets in Canadian real estate investments are your tenants, every time your tenant pays you money, and you pay your mortgage payment to the bank, the principal payment owing to the bank is being reduced every month. To pay off a mortgage it takes an average Canadian 25 years to do it. On the other hand, your tenant is making all your payments for you and retiring your mortgage.
Tax Write off:
As a Canadian Real Estate investor, you can write off all business operating expenses against the rental income. A few common expenses are property management, home office, phones, office staff and your car. There are a lot more write-offs where your tax accountant can enlighten you.
Forgivable Canadian real estate grants:
The Canadian government is very helpful to first time home buyers and real estate investors. The Canadian government offers forgivable grants for down payment assistance from time to time. If you are a professional Canadian real estate investor and you want to increase the value of your property by upgrading it, there are many grants available from the government to help you. In the in-law basement apartment suite, there are grants available to furnish it.
Forced appreciation: 
This strategy is for very sophisticated Canadian real estate investors. To increase the value of a home at no cost sounds like a dream, but Canadian real estate investors can do it with several strategies and techniques. If you want to learn more, you can by attending the Canadian real estate investment strategy apprenticeship live.
These top 10 ways how Canadian real estate investors make money requires patience, hands on training from fellow Canadian real estate investment experts.
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